While DKLS may pride itself as a diversified company with six core sectors of business, it is essentially identified as a professional construction company led by experienced professional civil and structural engineers supported by a team of financial experts.
DKLS Construction Sdn Bhd was incorporated on 26 February 1983 as a private limited Class B company. It moved up to become a registered Class "A" building & general contractor with Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor Malaysia in 1986 and is currently a registered Grade "G7" contractor with the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia.
DKLS has over the years spearheaded numerous projects of national significance spanning from highways, bridges, airport runways, water treatment facilities and hydro power plant, jetties, institutional as well as commercial buildings and residential development for both public and private sectors.
Our growth is underpinned by an unfailing commitment to project planning, execution, delivery management, quality products and services.
DKLS Construction Sdn Bhd received the award of High Qlassic Achievement for the upgrading and refurbishment works of Parliament Building (Phase 3B) during the Majlis Penganugerahan dan Pencapaian Cemerlang QLASSIC dan SHASSIC 2021
+605 253 2688, +605 253 2888
+605 253 2700
16th Floor and Penthouse, Ipoh Tower, Jalan Dato' Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.